Wrap Launches on Product Hunt

Dec 04, 2022

We recently launched Wrap on Product Hunt and the positive feedback is giving us all the feels. For those who may not be familiar, Product Hunt is a popular platform that showcases the latest and greatest in technology and digital products.

For us, launching on Product Hunt was a huge validation of the hard work that our team has put into making Wrap great. In case you're not familiar with our product, Wrap is a browser extension to easily capture and edit beautifully styled screenshots. Being featured on Product Hunt has given us the opportunity to showcase our product to a wider audience.

Our team was thrilled to see the overwhelmingly positive response to Wrap. We received a ton of great feedback and suggestions from the community, and we're already hard at work implementing some of these ideas to make Wrap even better.

We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who checked out Wrap and provided feedback. We're excited to continue building and improving, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for our product.

Thank you <3