Using Screenshots As a Product Designer

Dec 21, 2022

Are you a product designer looking to showcase your latest creation? Tired of boring old portfolios and presentations? It's time to get creative with screenshots! Here are five fun and imaginative ways that product designers can use screenshots to highlight their work.

  1. Create a before and after sequence. Take a screenshot of a product before it's been designed, and then take another screenshot of the final product. This can be a great way to show the transformation that your design has undergone, and it can be a fun and engaging way to showcase your design process.
Presenting your product through its transformation creates interest and engagement. 

 2. Use screenshots as part of a video. Instead of just using static images in your   video, try using screenshots to show your product in action. This can be great   way to show off the features and benefits of your product in a dynamic and   engaging way.

Product features can be best shown through screenshots!

 3. Show off your design iterations. Take a series of screenshots that show the   different design iterations of your product. This can be a great way to              demonstrate the thought and effort that went into your design, and it can give   viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your design process.

 4. Create a mood board. Use screenshots to create a mood board that showcases   your product and the inspiration behind it. This can be a great way to give viewers a glimpse into your creative process and help them understand the   vision behind your product.

Mood boards are a fantastic way to present your product and it's possibilities. 

 5. Tell a story through screenshots. Instead of just showing a single screenshot of   your product, use a series of screenshots to tell a story about your product. This can be a fun and engaging way to showcase your work's results and     capture the attention of your audience.

Use Wrap to tell a visual story about your brand.

When you're looking to showcase your next product design, remember that screenshots can be a powerful tool to elevate your work. Get Wrapping and see where your next project leads!